Warehouse Partners stages Pallite storage open days
1st November 2021

Warehouse Partners, a leading supplier of labelling and warehouse solutions to the suppliers of storage and material handling equipment, is staging a series of open days to showcase its versatile Pallite Pix storage solution.
Pallite Pix is a range of flexible, lightweight and durable storage systems, specially designed to consolidate pick locations. By utilising the between-pallet space the system enables operators to maximise the available space they have in their warehouse, helping them store more product and improve their pick efficiency.
The system incorporates easy-to-fit interchangeable dividers that can be designed around a specific product. Pick positions are available in 12-, 16- or 32-compartment configurations, helping to reduce pick times and walk sequences, and accompanied by suitable identification labels, the system enables operators to easily locate product.
The durable honeycomb construction walls and reinforced edges help to protect stock from damage and pickers from injury, while each Pallite Pix storage unit can hold up to 500kg of product. Despite the lightweight nature of the product, it is strong enough to be moved by a forklift, even when full.
To support the sustainability requirements of the modern warehouse, the Pallite Pix product is also 100% recyclable and made from responsibly sourced materials.
Chris Hopkirk, Sales Director, Warehouse Partners, said: “We made Pallite Pix the subject of one of our product webinars earlier this year and the feedback we received was very positive. Many people said they would like to see a live demonstration of the product, so we have responded their requests by organising these open days.
“I’ll be joined by David Rose of Pallite, who co-presented the webinar with me, and we’ll be showcasing the system and answering any questions people may have. Anyone who has customers planning a major warehouse project or looking to improve their fulfilment operations should not miss this opportunity to see this game changing system.”
Suppliers specifying the Pallite Pix system to their customers have reported very positive results, with several placing repeat orders based on the strong performance of the product.
Eurocell, a leading manufacturer, distributor and recycler of uPVC windows, doors, conservatories and roofline products, installed the system at its new national distribution centre earlier this year. Quickline was the Warehouse Partners distributor working with Eurocell on the DC installation.
Tim Robins, Contract Project Manager at Eurocell, said: “We were delighted with Warehouse Partners’ recommendation of Pallite Pix. The system has helped to overhaul our picking operation and improve the productivity of our new warehouse no end.”
The first Open Day takes place at Warehouse Partners’ national headquarters, Unit 3, Easter Court, Warrington, WA5 7ZB between 10am and 3pm on Wednesday 10th November. This will be followed on Tuesday 16th November, with the second Open Day. This event is being staged at the headquarters of First Class Safety, Swift House, Cosford Lane, Swift Valley Industrial Estate, Rugby CV21 1QN.
“We have staged one event in the North West and one in a central location to offer people the broadest choice of venue. Hopefully, this will help people decide which event best suits them,” added Hopkirk.
Each day will be split between morning and afternoon demonstrations, while there will be product samples available to take away, along with data sheets describing the Pallite Pix system in more detail.
CLICK HERE to register for one of the Open Days.